Letter to Parents

ROBLOX is an online virtual world for kids. The ROBLOX community is a nurturing environment for creativity, construction, and socializing. In ROBLOX users can build, battle, and play together. All content on our site is moderated to be suitable for kids aged 4-124. Parents can customize their child's online ROBLOX experience, depending upon the child's age and the parent's level of comfort with online activities.

When a new ROBLOX account is created, there are two modes that parents of very young children should toggle for maximum online safety. Under 13 mode should be set to preclude the possibility of your child running across any unsuitable images, and Super Safe Chat mode should be set to limit your child's verbal interactions with other users.

Under 13 Mode

ROBLOX allows users to upload images to decorate their characters and in-game places. When a user is playing ROBLOX in Under 13 mode, only images that have been screened by a team of human moderators will be displayed.

Super Safe Chat Mode

When a user has Super Safe Chat mode on, freeform in-game chat is disabled. Your child will not be able to type messages to other users, nor will he be able to see what other users are typing. In Super Safe Chat mode, all communication must occur using our chat menu. Our chat menu allows user to express several hundred approved chat messages, rated G and completely safe.

Information Collected

Upon account registration, we ask for an email address. Users age 13 or older may provide a personal email address; users under age 13 should provide a parent's email address. This is solely for the purpose of recovering lost account passwords — if your child forgets their password, we can email a new one. A user's email is not visible anywhere on the site, nor can users of the site email your child. User information will never be disclosed to third parties. A valid email address is not required to play ROBLOX.

Violence in ROBLOX

ROBLOX features combat between players. This combat takes place in a cartoonish style with whimsical weapons such as superballs and slingshots. Were ROBLOX a movie, our combat sequences would be rated G. We believe that many parents would rate the level of violence in ROBLOX to be within acceptable limits for a young audience, but if you have reservations, we invite you to experiment with the game yourself before allowing your child to play.

Questions, Comments, Concerns

You are welcome to email us at info@roblox.com should you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions for the ROBLOX team.